Visa for a long period


Ii am German but I have been living in South Sinai, Dahab for almost two years renewing my visa from initially 90 days two 6 months. Now on 20 January it will again expire and I would like to know whether I can obtain at least a one year visa for whole Egypt as I want to travel a bit.. It must, however, be a multiple entry visa. Although the people at the police department try to understand English and I also use my very elementary Egyptian , it might not be easy to explain what I need. Can anyone explain the procedure to me please.

Thanks in advance



Hello Martina (Servus)

I am German, too. I live in King Mariout close to Alexandria and I will be in Dahab for Christmas, by the way. However, the best way to gain a one or more years visa in Egypt is property. If you buy a flat or villa or so, you will improve your status and are eligible to get at least a one years visa. The next possibility is employment (German bakery i.e.) or anybody you know. Such a contract would also help. I don't need to tell you about marrage, I am sure.

Apparently, a rental contract will also help. I an British, bought my property in Sharm, and always get a 1 year visa (still have to leave and return to renew!) I believe you can also get re-entry for extra fee but only for 6m. It does apparently depend also on nationality. Best option is to check at Visa office. I use Nabq visa office, they do speak some english but can be difficult.

I would suggest next renewal - take rental contract (you can create one easily), apply for 1 year visa, ask about re-entry and see what you get - that will probably set the process for the future ie you may get 1 yr, you may get 6m, you may gert re-entry. Difficult to be precise until you actually try.