Advice for ORFI

Hi everyone.Can I get an ORFI certificate online ?


Can you explain more please?
Because ORFI marriages are a paper signed by two and two witnesses for marriage, so I'm not really sure what you mean by certificate for ORFI


Orfi marriage in egypt , still under debate.

It depends on both parties,  what and they need it for .

As an Egyptian man was living in Europe., this is only a way to be married without great responsibilities.
It is approved by few governmental offices, and rejected by others.

There are 3 types of what's called ORFI.

1. JUST a blank sheet of paper , or printed ones , signed by the couple between them, no witnesses.

2. Same as above but with 2 persons as witnesses.

3. 3rd case, the couple with2 witnesses, attend to lawyer office , to do it , in this case, 2 photos required,and a lwayer is stamping the document.

This is approved by government,  but, it needs final step ( which is not done by most) to be official and legal. That step is to make attestation at a notary public office, later to that , it is official and recorded.

When Orfi is done in a lawyer office, with stamp,
It became a Civil marriage .

When registered and attested by notary public,  it became Official marriage and recorded

@Tamer Hanafy I wonder if you're able to help me please, with advice for my daughter, who was supposed to marry in Cairo this week? Thank you.

It's hard to advise when you do not know the man, his culture. background education etc. Yes sure Egyotbiw full of chancers and opportunists lookIng for a way out of poverty via a sham marriage but they are more likely to come from Qena that Cairo of Alexandria where you get a higher proportion of educated Egyptian men.

Petsonally however such marriages rarely work out due to cultural differences.

I am a bit confused because I need to know the reason for your ORFI choice and why not official. Tamer Hanafy explained the subject very accurately. I've practised version one of his explanations to avoid claims and responsibilities. It was enough to live together in a flat whenever we wanted (without her complete family knowing) but not enough to stay in hotels nor travel together outside the country as a couple officially. If witnesses or even lawyers are involved, the danger of being held responsible on one side but official recognition on the other increases. But from a woman's perspective... @juliemulligan1960, you as a mother should consider protecting your daughter as much as possible, particularly in terms of pregnancy, divorce, inheritance and all the other eventualities accompanying human relationships.