Bank account before you get a resident permit?

Any of you knowing how to get a bank account before you get a resident permit? I know it is difficult but probably not impossible.


IT - È possibile aprire un conto bancario prima di divenire residenti in Albania? Se "SI", come?  Grazie.

You need to be 18 years old with an Identify Card to open a current account. *For Albanian citizens 16 - 18 years old – Identity Card (ID), under 16 years old - Birth Certificate and for foreign citizens – Passport.

Thanks. @suroya365  So far I have contacted (personally in Tirana) three banks. They all told me they can't open it unless you are resident. Two more have replied my e-mails with a "NO, you can't".

I know there is a way because if you pay a consultant you will get an account, at least this is what they promise.

Keep into consideration that to US citizen different rules may apply due to agreements betweem USA and Albania.

Any of you knowing how to get a bank account before you get a resident permit? I know it is difficult but probably not impossible.
IT - È possibile aprire un conto bancario prima di divenire residenti in Albania? Se "SI", come? Grazie.

Impossible. Even with a Resident Permit. You need to be a citizen to open a bank account here.