E visa Vietnam

Hello everyone!

I tried to receive a visa for Vietnam several times (4x) however, it didnt work out yet. It is still amending. It says: incorrect full name and insert portrait photo from last six months.

Do you know what to write exactly for: ‘surname' and ‘given name'? I already tried surname and my first name.

And do you know what are the specifications for the portrait photo?

thanks in advance!


Just put another recent  picture  you didn't submitted,made for visa standard of course. Sometimes they put wrong reason for delay, try to solve problem one by one.  VN embassy in Norway put some standards for pictures online, Google it. They are not too strict about these standards, but after 6 months  you have to put another picture in your online application. I remember when I was first time delayed  like you (and puzzled in process)   few times, the reason for delay was incorrect (probably they were very busy)  and I tried to guess what was wrong in my application. Try to review your application to spot errors too, so you help these ladies working on your case.