Albania/COVID ---

Does Albania have COVID-related restrictions in place right now... such as required wearing of masks, curfews, etc? Or is life in Albania pretty normal?
Thank You!

Hi again.

From the US Embassy in Albania (link):

On July 15 Minister of Health and Social Protection Ogerta Manastirliu announced that wearing a mask is mandatory in Albania for any individual in closed spaces to include: Public administration offices, Non-public administration, Public transport, offices, Staircases of apartment buildings, Elevators, Shopping malls, Shops, Supermarkets, Markets and other services. Non-compliance with this rule will result in a fine of 2,000 ALL.

So to answer your direct questions; Yes, Albania does have COVID related restrictions.  Further, the US Government CDC has issued a Level 3 travel advisory against any travel to Albania (link); which effectively means if you chose to ignore it, things like US-based travel insurance will be void.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

I appreciate the information. Thanks much!