Breathing Difficulty - Air Pollution

Hi all,

I fell in love with Albania when I was there for a month last year, but had to cut my trip short because I became ill from the pollutants in the air - the car exhaust, diesel etc. It started in Tirana, but I found it stayed with me even in places like Sarande, and I was curious if any of you have been affected by it?

There were times I felt like I was going to die and have a heart attack, and I'd wake up in the middle of the night coughing, and was really irritable. I used to smell the exhaust all over myself when I'd come home from walking.

It broke my heart to have to leave because I wanted to put down roots and live there. I was surprised that it bothered me so much in places like Sarande, where there aren't as many cars, but all it took was one car to pass me or for me to walk by an idling car, with it's rotted out exhaust system and smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe and I was done.

But still, Albania remains on my mind constantly. I want to go back and don't know what to do. I don't want to compromise my health.

Short of buying a face mask (which I'd probably do anyway) is there anything else I can do? I read an article a few months ago that old imported cars from EU are going to be banned and some exhaust system testing would (finally) be put into practice, but who knows if that's really happening or how long it will take to implement?

Any ideas/input/updates on this policy from Albania?

I really miss it there. I just wish they'd ban the cars and clean the damn air :)

Thank you!

Hello Anamarqe. I live in Albania(born and bred). I have not had such problems but it might be because of the petrol quality, and you are not used to the rough conditions. It is true that some areas in central Albania are inhabitable because of the air pollution and local residents are dying one by one because of cancer or lung illness.
Buying a face mask? I don't think the pollution is bad like in shangai or other regions of china where you need a face mask. And do take into consideration the odd looks you'll get if you walk around with a face mask lol
Regarding the article that spoke about banning old imported cars from EU: Yes, I heard it in the news too a few months ago, but at the moment I don' think the government has it in their top priorities with the political chaos going on. And the car sellers complained about the approval of this law, so don't keep your hopes up on that happening any time soon.

Hello all,

I too want to move to Albania. But have Alpha-1 a severe lung condition. For anyone with COPD temps of 70 with humidity at 40 is ideal. I'm currently trying to research the towns for close to the best conditions I can get in Albania. While still either being able to see the mountains or actually be in them. Im more of a mountain person than a coastal one. Should anyone read this and have a suggestion it would be greatly appreciated.

Love and peace to all

From the beautiful east Tennessee

Smokie mountains




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