Looking for babysitter in Egypt

Helolo! our family is looking for a baby sitter to live inn. we are live in Egypt. russian-Egyptian family! we are provide a plane tickets and accomondation abd salary.  my e-mail is     irafilatova@mail.ru    thank you!!

AnastasiaEg wrote:

Helolo! our family is looking for a baby sitter to live inn. we are live in Egypt. russian-Egyptian family! we are provide a plane tickets and accomondation abd salary.  my e-mail is     irafilatova@mail.ru    thank you!!

I suggest that you post this on the Egypt forum which can be found in the Africa section. 

Whilst on the Egypt section of the forum go to the green banner at the top of the page and click on jobs. You can place and advertisement there for a babysitter. You can also find people there who are looking for babysitting work. 

Good luck.

Hello AnastasiaEg,

Welcome to Expat.com :)

Your post in now on the Egypt forum.

For your search, I suggest that you post an ad in the Babysitting in Egypt section.

Thank you,

Expat.com Team

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