Help, need to move back to USA!

My husband (who is ecuadorian *and had duel citizenship*) and 2 children moved down a year ago (planning on staying over 2 years) But things have changed and we need to move back home (USA) to help my mother (she lost her job).
We have one huge dilemma, we brought a container down (menaje de casa) *duty free*
We were told that is we leave now before our 2 years is up we will have to pay 120% of what we brought down,
Does anyone know if this is true, and if so is there any way around it??
Thank you in advance for any information!!


I asked to someone who works with customs in Guayaquil and he told there's no problem with your moving and you don't have to pay any fees.

I was wondering if you're planning to move your belongings back to US. Is that the case I can help you with your moving.


We are leaving all our items in our house here in Ecuador...
May I ask who you talked to in customs because when we called they told us if we leave we will have to pay 120% of what we brought down because of the duty free required us to become permanent residents.
Thanks again for the response!

actually I was talking with my husband and I think we might be bringing things home if we can get a clear answer if we will be taxed or not...
2 large items and about 20 boxes
(woud probable fit on a pallet)


I talked with Senami on Friday and they told me there's no problem if you decide to move back to the States. The only problem could be if you decided to sell what you bring from there and the SRI or them find out.

So you can left your belongings here or ship them back to US, but notice you will have to be there more than a year if you want to bring them back and in that period you can't visit Ecuador for more than 60 days.

If you ship some belongigns to US we need to find out if customs there will tax you for your moving.

Email me directly to
Are you living in Cuenca?
