Working visa issue

Hi. Just want to ask about my situation. I re-applied to work as nurse in saudi arabia. The embassy issued me 3months temporary visa. (The usual visa for Filipino expats before arriving in saudi arabia). Although I have a visa already, I haven't signed any work contract yet and no airplane ticket yet. Recently I had my regular check up, and found out I have a heart condition. I decided to withdraw my application to focus first on my health before working outside the country. My question is, can I backed out from this even though they issued the 3 month visa already? If the agency wants me to pay for the visa issued, how much will that cost? And will I be banned from working in saudi arabia again if i don't push through the application? I like the country, had worked there for 4 years. I still want to come back, I just want to focus on my health first. Thank you for those who will answer in advance.