Want to find nice friend in Ghent

Hi, my name is Karalyn, I am Chinese student, and I have been in Ghent for one year already, and I still need to stay here until september,2012.

After living in Ghent for one year, I find myself love this city. However, I am far from my friends in my country and the friends here are always Chinese,I feel a little bit lonely and difficult to get touch with foreign people. I think it is time for me to meet nice friends here. 

I live near UZ, and I prefer going out not too late if I need to work nextday...but I'm available on the week-ends.

PS:my email address: mywheats@126.com 

Hope to meet you soon


Hi and welcome on board Karalyn!

I hope you will obtain some new contacts soon ;)


Thanks Armand!
I add my email address already.

Good luck!

Hi Karalyn,

I live in Laarne, a small village near Ghent. I studied for Social assistent in Ghent untill last year. Now I work with people with a handicap. I've you're interessed in a talk or drink or both just let me know :)


Hey I Also live near Gent Nazaereth and I am starting lang course in Gent centre soon. I am a Au Pair untill I learn the lang for a more perm job love to hear from you.

I live in Ghent too! Been here for 4 months, and I'm studying dutch! It's good to see more people from Ghent, maybe we could organize something. :)

Gent Party lol

I live in Wetteren roughly 15 mins from Gent, if a meetup is being planned count me in!

Well tried to plan one a while bk but noon really answered so i figured no one really lived in Gent guess i was wrong

I'm in too :) So it would be good to know which persons are interested and when they have time. I can almost any day though the weekend after this, I'm not sure I can, I think my bf made plans already.

And I like going to cafes or bars, or going for a walk, or doing almost anything really :P.

LOl Yep I have already manged to meet on person so atlesr tring to set a group up wasnt a totaly loss was it Alex

I've only ever visited the castle in Gent, but im told there are some nice cafes/bars there.

I plan on going there next week

Yes, the castle is very nice :)! And yes Hannah! the other thread wasn't a total loss :D, Let's see what happens with this one :)

Indeed so lets set up a bigger meet