Looking for housing in Stockholm

Hello all,

I am an American student who will be entering a master's program in Stockholm in the fall.  So far I have had little luck with housing. I was searching for student housing but I do not think this will be possible due to the waitlists on this kind of housing.

I was wondering how you guys had found your housing - companies or websites you had found helpful or whether you all waited until you were in Stockholm to find your housing.  I will be moving there with my fiance. 

Thank you for your help!

Looking for housing here in Stockholm is one of the most difficult things.
If you come with the university they should find something for you, and most of the times they find it, although it can be that you are sent to Kista, 30km from the city.
You can look for appartments at www.blocket.se that is a page for changing/selling things between private persons.
You can also check Bostaddirekt.se but there you have to pay to enter and see the owners of the flats and also they will ask about recommendations.
On the other hand these kind of renting systems are for quite short periods from 3 months to 1 year and it is not common to find something for more than 1 year.
So if the university provides something, just take it and then you can start looking for something else. Maybe among the north american students you can find someone that is moving and want to say a nice word for you to the owner of the flat.
Good luck