Medical Fitness Test Result

Hi, I had done my medical for my visa renewal and the status is showing result issued. What does it mean?

It means results issued and sent to immigration.

@xtang - does it mean its Fit ?

the result will come on your email

it means you are fit

@dibindavisk it means you are fit and the result is sent to immigration for further process.

Firstly, for blood test plsase don't get panic like me. I was in the same condition. In nutshell, got a job here in Dubai, went for medical and then follow up for blood test in same Al munsiah…. they said me to be calm and composed as most of the time infact 99.9% of the time, these candidates remain fit. They get followup mostly because of inconclusive result due to n number of reasons including technical issue, technical issue, less quantity of sample etc. It takes 4 working days to get the result and I know at this time we start questioning ourselves unnecessarily. However, believe me its a normal process. There will be so many people with same issue at the centre. So Stop being stressed unless you have any pre medical history. If you were fit in your country, you will definitely be fit here. I got fit certificate as well. All the best & Take care. :)