Anyone have children going to brasilian school?

Anyone here have children going to Brasilian schools? If so I have a few questions.

Have the children managed to adapt?
Have the children kept their english fine at home?
Why did you choose a brasilian school over an America or international one?

These question are for people with young children, where the children is still learning how to read and write .

Hi, I have worked in Curitiba between 2013-2015. During this time my 2 boys was 2-5 an 3-6.
They went to a Brazilian school with knowone speaking Swedish (the only language they know) and only one in this school could speak English.

Our experience from this school is the best ever we have experience of.
Why? The Brazilian teachers was very good with body language and give a lot of love to the children with hugs and really see the needs.
This gives trust and when that is in place everything is much easier to adapt.
After 1 week both boys enjoy to to school. Both became the best Portuguese speaking in the family. At home we speak Swedish and didn't have any problem to keep Swedish knowledge.
After Curitiba we moved to USA.
And started a new change to US school and English.  They learn extremely fast new language and the change in US went well too but with less challenges compared with Brazil.  Hope it can help. A key is to find a good scoop and teachers.
School in Curitiba is Umbrella and best we ever have seen.
Hope it can help


Hi Dan thank you for your feed back,
In your case you had to teach them  read and to write in swidish at home, right ? I have heard of Umbrela, I will add to my list to visit.
Did you find that they prefer eventually to speak in portugues rather then swidsh? or it the same in the US? they end up prefer to speak in english rather then their mother tongue?

Hi Jackson,

We talked Swedish and read Swedish at home and that was good enough when they are young. In USA we did not do more even if they was between 5-9. Full focus on the local school and English. No problem to adapt in Swedish school after. Some words mixing in the beginning but the are fast to change. They still play at home and use English but beside that 100 % Swedish.  To limit the change challenge I think it is better to just wait with the mother tongue. Just use it at home and read books is good enough. B.R Dan

Thank you Dan for the tips, I was really consern that they would forget their mother tongue.