Is 17000RMB offer enough??

Hey everyone,

I've been offered a teaching job with a salary of 17,000 RMB a month (before tax) and am wondering am I going to be alright to live off this (I'm not someone who needs a lavish lifestyle but don't want to be struggling!). Granted I don't have any experience so I understand the reason for the low offer but is it worth trying to negotiate a higher one to cover living costs?

Some of the other threads with higher salary offers have made me quite nervous about moving to Shanghai by myself so can anyone shed some light on what I'm walking into?



Can't wait to hear this answer as I am directly on the same boat and due to be in Shanghai in July.

Please share your thoughts.

I think its a good salary since you're not a native speaker. However you also could find other higher paid opportunities.

Yes. That is a good salary. You should consider yourself quite fortunate.

Wouldn't call it a great or even good salary but it is enough to cover living a comfortable lifestyle with little in the way of savings.  It's about average for a teacher.

Thank you :)

Omg, how much you earn as a teacher?

Teaching salaries range from 3,000 to 25,000 RMB/month depending on location, experience, and situation.

yeah but 20k+ can earn only natives in the most cases.