Presentation of Members in Christchurch

Hello dear Members, Welcome on

I am launching this discussion so that members living in Christchurch present themselves while hoping this will help you to widen your social network.

>Are you living in Christchurch since sometime or have you just arrived?
>What brought you to Christchurch?
>What is your passion in term of hobbies, likes and dislikes?

Thanking you in advance for your participation!

See you soon on!
The Team
Share your Expat Experience!

Thanks for this! :)

>I have been living in Christchurch with my partner for the past two years
>I had family here so I decided to immigrate
>I love art, painting, going to burlesque shows anything quirky and fun :)

Thanks for this intro TammyBee!


I moved to Christchurch by myself a week ago from Baltimore, US for work. 
I am interested in a wide range of things. I do plan to explore and travel the island as much as I can. I like skiing and would love to meet other people who want to go skiing before this season ends. I also like canoeing and surfing (not good at it, love cooking for myself and friends, movies and hanging out over drinks.


I emigrated here over a year ago in July with my partner (a kiwi) who I met in the UK. I love the country, it is very beautiful and the lifestyle here really suits me compared to back in the UK! We are very lucky to have got through the major earthquakes unharmed and it has not left me feeling like I want to go back to the UK. I work in an Office with a lovely bunch of people and have an active lifestyle out of work. I play football in winter time and just trying to find a summer sport at the moment! I love my photography and music - listen to just about everything, but mainly dance. The only thing about being here is that I have found it difficult to find a seperate social life to my boyfriend. I enjoy meeting new people so thought this would be a good way to talk to other fellow expats :-)
