Affordable Spanish lessons

I'm new here & located in Zona Colonial & hoping to find something close. I've looked into the "Official" schools but @ $9-10 USD per 45 min class, they r out of my budget.  I don't need expensive private lessons, small group would be fine. Thx for any info!

Go to   For anyone not to check this cheap, easy, fun & quick way to learn to speak Spanish is doing a grave disservice to themselves.

Thx, but am looking for in-person lessons in zona colonial.

Hey, I'm securing a tutor from the place where I work, would you like me to ask if they would extend their services to you too?
$9/10 is a pretty fair price, the only thing cheaper would be in Central America.

May i suggest a less expensive more interactive option? Download the language apps babbel and duolingo.  And find a copy of Rosetta stone Latin American Spanish.  Start with those,  and simply go out into the public, speak to people, and listen to them talk.  Many people here will help you pronounce words correctly,  and slow down when talking to you. I also suggest watching the local tv stations  here. My children watch their favorite shows in Spanish,  or with Spanish subtitles on Netflix.

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