Schools in Casablanca

Hello. I am currently exploring an opportunity to work in Casablanca with my current employer and was hoping to get some information about school choices in the city. I have three children that are currently attending a French American school in the united states. I was hoping to find out what reputations or strong points the various schools have.   My current preference would be with an English speaking school in hopes that my wife may find employment there since she is a teacher. Any advise would be welcomed. Thanks

Hi and welcome on the forum Seattle je :)

I hope other members will be able to give you some good advices soon ;)


Here is a list of some american schools from K to 12
the following is a list of English learning centers in casablanca since u r looking for teaching positions.
in fact u can check out this site as well


A very well known school here in Casablanca is called Casablanca American School. If you would like more information about anything please do not hesitate to contact me. My email address is If you have already received this message from me before please accept my apologies.

Kind regards,


How old are your children?  We are opening the first Montessori school in Morocco this coming september 2011. It is trilingual (French, English, and Arabic), and we are starting this year with children between 15 months and 5 years old. We will grow with our children into an elementary school. You can visit our website. (moderated no free ads)
If you are interested here is the phone number 0522 21 96 88, or the email:

Best of luck!
The Montessori School Team

Hi! Le Petit Train may help you with your children as we're opening in september a Nursery English School, for children between 2 and 4 years old. The teacher will be american so only English will be spoken in her classroom. But your children might meet French and Moroccan little friends during playtime also.

See you there!

Might be moving to Casablanca for work.  I have two English- speaking kids, ages 5 and 3, and want to enroll them in an Arabic-French or Arabic-Spanish school in Casablanca.  Would appreciate any suggestions.  Thank you.

hello.. I just wanted to point out that there is a third American school in Casablanca and it's called "American Academy Casablanca"!It's a really great school actually I just graduated from it this year!! If you want more information let me know!

i heard of it :)

hello there!!

can I get more info about your Montessory school. where are you situated exactly? what about the fees for kids at the age of 5 years?

I would like to offer you a bit more sound advice. There are 2 accredited American Universities here. That is where you are going to want to send your kids. The American Academy (a bit looser like we are used to in the USA) and then George Washington Academy. There are not other options. If you want your kids to be in an accredited American program, this is where they need to go.
As for work, freelance. I speak from years of experience doing it, just freelance. You will work a lot less hours, be your own boss and make a lot more.
These two facts will guide you to a good experience here. Anything you hear otherwise is an unaccredited school or just what people know. You will make just as much freelancing 25 hours a week as you would working full time at the American schools, and language centers pay you 1200 a month and work you to death. They are just business looking for money. People are pretty much over it and a personal touch is what people prefer.

Hope this helps,

Hi iam new here in Casablanca... i have a question about your school... my princess is getting 2 years next month insallah and I was wondering how it goes in your school! I speak Dutch to here and my partner speaks Moroccan to her!! We want to send her to an English speaking school but we are still looking around... some of my friends are telling me she is still so young so we don't know what age I can send here and if it's safe and clean... 😅 we would like to know the fees you have to pay yearly and how many days in a week she is allowed to come and how many hours a day... she is still wearing a diaper for your information... hope someone could help me! Thank you