Usa citizen marrying colombian woman to live with in USA

hey guys i am a new member here. my name is Anthony and I am an american citizen. i have travelled to Cartagena Colombia 3 times in 2006, 2013 and just recently got back this year. i have recently met the love of my life in Colombia so special to me and I would like to bring her to the usa to live with me and have children.

my question is that i was first thinking the k1 fiancee visA would be best. After speaking with my girlfriend she said many of her friends told her it is much better and faster and easier for me to marry in colombia first and then bring her to the usa. i believe this way is called the k3 visa. can you guys please tell me from experience what is the best and safest way for us to do this? i am planning a consultation with my lawyer to help with this also but any info you guys could give me would be so wonderful. thanks guys so much.

I cannot speak from experience.  But I think that going through a K1 Visa would be better in the long run.  If you married her in Colombia I would think that you are obligated to the Colombian courts should you ever get divorced.

You do not need a lawyer. Most paperwork could be done by yourself.
Best option is to bring here on a Fiancee visa and see how it goes. Things change once people come down here. You will have 3 months to figure this out.
You may have to do this soon. The laws are changing and suddenly  it may be repealed, for reasons such as fraud etc.
Take a chance and work on the Fiancee visa. In the long run you will be better off.



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From what I understand, the K3 visa is somewhat obsolete, it's better in that situation to apply for a CR1 visa,

Also, I'd be reluctant to take advice from anyone draws parallels between a woman and  a dog, and believes that money and endowment are all that's needed to get through a marriage,

Here is the best way to do it, and do not do anything else:

1) Marry her in Colombia and get a marriage certificate.

2) apply for wife petition with the consulate in Bogota or somewhere else. You will have  to show you filed taxes for the past 3 years, and you can support her financially in the  US. Even if you have money in the bank; they still want to see tax things. And of
course pay them for the petition around $700 if not more. you have to make $20,000 or more a year for them to approve your application. They also need medical and other paper on her you can do in Colombia a lot less than the US. Mine took 3
months.   If you bring her to the US and somehow things do not work out with ICE
trump will deport her in no time. Plan carefully.

3) And in all honestly the US getting more expensive. And if you have kids, it is very hard  to leave the US. I made this mistake and I'm paying for it. Colombian guys know how  to control their women. They cheat on their women and women still stay. Colombian
women go after gringos because they can get a way from the trap. They are smart and
dangerous  women. Learn from their men otherwise you be controlled by a Colombian.
Stick with the Mexican women, they are at least more natural with their body.
Whatever you do, it will be better than marrying a US woman where divorce statistic around 60%. You do the math on that one.

And to romaniac. Obviously you have never dated a pretty Latin woman 9 plus, therefore, you have no idea what it takes to keep one around.

Thanks for all your help guys. Just an update. I am inSanta Marta colombia now with my fiancee and her family. I have been to colombia three more times since i wrote this report. I am still with my fiancee over a year now. I filed my k1 with my lawyer approx 7 months ago. Still waiting !! Also my fiancee is a genuinely sweet and loving woman i deeply share love with. For the person saying  i need to be rich and have a big john to keep a latin woman thats not true lol. Thanks for your help though. This is not my first rodeo with latin women. And i can see through people pretty well and not be fooled by a gold digger. I just hope the k1 visa is a success as it is very hard and a stressful wait.

Hey brother, I hope everything worked out for you , I am about to do the same thing, I would like to know how you and your new wife in doing in the United States. I am going to Barranquilla Colombia on June 10th for a Romance Tour . contact me at

gucciJayda wrote:

Thanks for all your help guys. Just an update. I am inSanta Marta colombia now with my fiancee and her family. I have been to colombia three more times since i wrote this report. I am still with my fiancee over a year now. I filed my k1 with my lawyer approx 7 months ago. Still waiting !! Also my fiancee is a genuinely sweet and loving woman i deeply share love with. For the person saying  i need to be rich and have a big john to keep a latin woman thats not true lol. Thanks for your help though. This is not my first rodeo with latin women. And i can see through people pretty well and not be fooled by a gold digger. I just hope the k1 visa is a success as it is very hard and a stressful wait.

So you filed k1 18 months ago, please update the story.

my advice stay in Colombia and do not marry her.  I married a Colombian woman a year ago and now we are divorced already.  Once they get here in the USA, she will start wanting to meet friends especially from here country, next they will use you so you can set everything up for the Green Card, SS status, car and so on.  Once they get a job, their independence, they will not need you anymore. It is a con game for them and they will have you believing from the beginning that they care a love you so much.  You will 100 percent get your heart broken. Don't get scammed. So many Americans are getting fooled by these women and i think they are schooled to do this in their country to seek a better life in America.


Moderated by Priscilla 3 years ago
Reason : offensive language
Jeff Deloach wrote:

my advice stay in Colombia and do not marry her.  I married a Colombian woman a year ago and now we are divorced already.  Once they get here in the USA, she will start wanting to meet friends especially from here country, next they will use you so you can set everything up for the Green Card, SS status, car and so on.  Once they get a job, their independence, they will not need you anymore. It is a con game for them and they will have you believing from the beginning that they care a love you so much.  You will 100 percent get your heart broken. Don't get scammed. So many Americans are getting fooled by these women and i think they are schooled to do this in their country to seek a better life in America.

I am sorry, but even if the woman is a Colombian or Mexican woman, I believe instead of another in the world. The woman is the woman. Nobody blames her for breaking your heart, my friend. It could have been you who breaks his heart. There is nothing in this world  not based on deals. There is no room for love. We represent ourselves as we intend to be more. He stated it specifically for the goal and we will start again. I trust that there is always someone who will love sincerely and not for a goal. Noticeable everyone is good at acting because life is the largest of the plays with unfair distribution of roles

If you are marrying someone from Colombia, and plan to sponsor your new husband or wife for a U.S. green card (lawful permanent residence), here is some important legal and practical information.

This article provides a general overview of how the process works for most couples. Your situation may present complications or qualify for exceptions to the rules stated here; see an experienced immigration attorney for a full evaluation.
Aakil ***

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I would recommend you enroll her in some kind of a semester English immersion program and pay for it. Let her come here for the program. That gives you the chance to evaluate her further i.e. whether she would be happy to live here, was not pretending to love you because she wants to migrate to USA and the like. Once you are satisfied with her, marry her here as simple as going to the court (that is how I married my wife visiting from Hong Kong) and fill for her immigration visa on your own. No lawyer needed. Marrying her in Colombia first is no no. It is going to take years to bring her here that way. I speak from the experience of my personal friends who married in another country as far back as 3  years now and are still trying to bring them here. Those who brought their women here on some kind of visiting visa, program etc had it the fastest.