How to get professional nanny

Hi everyone

I need to get information how to get good nanny, who can speak English and i wish lovely person..

Thanks for your help

Hard to find maid or nanny
And if u found it u hv to be careful

Thank you for your information. How long u have been there?

Can u give me recommendations for good hospital in Bangalore (for pregnancy woman near coxtown) except could9 and Columbia hospital

M moroccan living in Bangalore since 8 yrs.
For gd hospitals u hv to be careful as most r business mind.
I followed up my pregnancy in cloud9 Jayanagar n moved to Sagar Hsptl at last 2 wks b4 delivery. The suits rooms in Sagar Hsptl r gd n if u hv kids thy also can stay with u in separate room only Bcz u r foreigner😊