Switching family visa to work visa

I am planning to come with my husband with a family visa to Oman.

However my plan is to find a job. Is it a rumor that its hard to switch from family to employment visa ? or there would not be any problem?

Please advise.


Hi PegahO,

Firstly, you would not be able to come along with your husband on a family joining visa.

Your husband would have to come first, get a resident card, and only then can he apply for the family joining visa on submission of all the required documents (all details are available on the forum).

Jobs for expatriate women have become really sparse lately. Landing a good job would be easier said than done. When you do get one, then your husband's sponsor must provide an NOC for you to join work.

Visa transfer can be facilitated if both the sponsors give the nod.


You can always change your family status to employment status as long as your employer has a visa clearance/quota for ladies. Only thing is that for transferring the visa you need to exit Oman.

Thank you.

Does the family visa sponser need to provide a NOC ?? Or I just cancel me at the airport??

yes, you still need NOC from the family visa sponsor to apply for the new visa

Thanks alot. Do you know how long you have to stay outside before you come back with the new visa ???

depends on your type of visa (women engineer visa will take looonggg time) and the completeness of your paperwork. if all complete, I can say less than 5 working days

Sorry another thing. They said they dont have a labour clearance does that mean it will take longer and will it be risky to cancel my current resident visa and wait for their visa or the labour clearance is easily obtained ??

in order to switch your visa, you need;
1. Labor cleareance a.k.a makdunia from the new employer
2. medical check up
3. education attestation
4. NOC from which you are currently having the resident visa
5. Photograph
6. stamp of visa
7. copy of pasport.

So yes, you should not cancel if you don't have labor clearance.
Notes; Labor Clearance is NOT easily obtained due to Omanization!

Hi Sumitran,

I have a question relating to this.

I was on a work visa. I resigned and changed to a family joining visa with my husband's employer. My question is, I don't know if my company gave me a NOC. I have a job opportunity now that is amazing, but how do I find out if the 2 year work visa ban is still in effect or if I can take the job?

I came Oman with Family visit visa and I extended it on 3+1 basis. Now I got an employment and wanted to change to employment or work visa. So is it necessary to exit Oman to change the visit visa to employment visa or is it possible to change staying within Oman itself?