New in Tenerife! Looking for friends?

hello im new in tenerife and almost have no social life . I'm looking for friends to spend possible time and learn the island plus practice my spanish . I'm tired of being in the house in my free time

hola soy nuevo en Tenerife y casi no tienen vida social. Busco amigos para pasar tiempo posible y aprender la isla además de practicar mi español. Estoy cansado de estar en la casa en mi tiempo libre

I'll have the same issue I'm sure, when I decide what I'm doing over there. Trying to sell a house here first.  Also not sure if I should look at the Canary Islands or Mallorca as yet. I've not been to either. Perhaps you have advice....

after reading your i am little surprise that you dont have social life in spain?  i am live here from last 8 month and i have lots of experience and great social life here.. here is lots of event organize by many people to meet up and share experience and its all are free event i think you have to find even in fb there are so much thing to do.... by the way you can join us if you like.....

Free time in the house...!?

Hello everybody!

My name is Lydia and I´m a teacher from Austria.

I lived in Italy for 3 years, in South Korea for 5 years and in Brazil for 6,5 years.

I just arrived in Teneriffa and I will stay until the end of March!

It would be great to meet other Expats and of course locals living in the area.

I stay in Calão Salvaje.

I speak German, English, Italian and Portuguese.

My Spanish sucks. So if there is sb interested in a language exchange I´m up for it as well.


thanks for informing me about any interesting things going on!

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Hi Lumberman,
so did you come to a decision meanwhile? My name is Lily, I'm German, 65 years young and live since 10 years in La Orotava in the North of Tenerife/Canary Islands. Until now I didn't regret moving to Spain, and if you meanwhile live around here, we maybe could meet and exchange experiences and ideas...

hi :) me and my girlfriend are also bored we would like to meet new people!


I know you posted this a long time ago! But I'm 29, from Scotland and I've just moved here with my partner after spending one year living in Australia. If your still interested in meeting friends then I'd be keen to meet up!


Hi Lucy. I want to move to tenerife. I was wondering what advice you could give me. I would have to look for work, i am 55 female and will be going alone. Based on minimum wage there is it expensive to live there?


  I suspect you have not searched unemployment rates In Tenerife.   Had you done do you have found it is very high.   I would think they even those high rates would be considerably higher for non Spanish

I suspect the best you could hope for would be some poorly paid work in the black economy, cleaning, child minding etc..   I understand there is considerable lack of enthusiasm to pay minimum wages in Spain.   

I suggest you do not base your plans on getting minimum wages employment

I expect you are aware that to be allowed to reside in Spain as an EU national,  you need at least 400 euro p.m. income and full medical cover.  Without legal employment that would mean private health insurance

On the Costa Del Sol,  which I know very well,  I know many non EU women who work long hours for  a pittance, sharing poor standard, over crowded accommodation.  They only do so because conditions are even worse in their home countries in Asia.   

Sorry but I am bring realistic