Filipino in Morocco

Hi! i am a filipino i just got here im this lovely place of morocco im thinking to stay here for work but i only speak english.     but i am willing to learn french and moroccan arabic. please inform me if anyone can assist me in finding a job here . thank you.

Hello richard14 welcome on board :)

So that members here can guide you best, could you please tell us what kind of job you are looking for? Do you have any kind of expertise in a particular field?



Hello kenjee, thank you for spending time in asnwering my post, by the way i am a indutrial electrician but i work as a maintenance technician in hotel before i go here in morocco, i can do electrical work, airconditioning, painting, welding and many more. if you want to know more about my skill i will be glad to send you my cv, maybe you could help me find a better job here in morocco. once again thank you very much and please give my regard to your family and friends. my contact number is 0630991340

Richard. Kenjee is on the team therefore will not be interested in seeing your CV! In addition, you should not be leaving your phone number on a public forum.

In practise, you will have great difficulty in finding work such as you describe. There are many unemployed Moroccans who can do exactly the same things as you and the Anapec will not issue you with an authorisation to work unless you have a skill that a local does not have.

i am very sorry for the info that i give, it will not happen again ,, hope you understand, thank you

      I guess you should apply for tourism jobs in Marakech or agadir city as English language is important .

Good luck

thank you very much for the info :)

Bouksim wrote:

      I guess you should apply for tourism jobs in Marakech or agadir city as English language is important .

Good luck

For goodness sake. That's not his field. Moreover, how do you think the Anapec will give him an authorisation to work in tourism with no qualification when there are 10s of 1000s of well qualified, unemployed Moroccans who are seeking work in this field? Do you not know that foreigners cannot take a job here unless there is no possibility of a Moroccan filling it? It's the law. Yet you are Moroccan.

The mind boggles.

kmsta kabayan?


We are moroccan family with 2 years old girl living in morocco and looking for someone professionel that has ong experience  in  cooking international( italian french arabic ...) and asian food( chineese thai japaneese  etc..) pastry and bakery( cake bread cookies ...) and able to learn local cooking , and another girl for general housekeeping that also has good experience in hotels knows how to make the bed how to put towels etc... . we already have a nanny that take care of the baby .
i ll pay the ticket , the accomodation the food , insurance everything that is needed , the contract is for 2 years .



didij_2000 wrote:


We are moroccan family with 2 years old girl living in morocco and looking for someone professionel that has ong experience  in  cooking international( italian french arabic ...) and asian food( chineese thai japaneese  etc..) pastry and bakery( cake bread cookies ...) and able to learn local cooking , and another girl for general housekeeping that also has good experience in hotels knows how to make the bed how to put towels etc... . we already have a nanny that take care of the baby .
i ll pay the ticket , the accomodation the food , insurance everything that is needed , the contract is for 2 years .



Are you looking for a Moroccan or a Filipino?

For both filipino and qualified moroccan

It is not "Impossible" to get a job in developing world even if you do not have that "Very Special Skill that Locals dont have".. Please keep trying and you will find a legal job. I know many expat friends in many third world countries who have found legal and good jobs without having that "Very Special set of Skills". Keep trying, you will find..

safiullah123 wrote:

It is not "Impossible" to get a job in developing world even if you do not have that "Very Special Skill that Locals dont have".. Please keep trying and you will find a legal job. I know many expat friends in many third world countries who have found legal and good jobs without having that "Very Special set of Skills". Keep trying, you will find..

We are talking about MOROCCO. There is a law of national preference in operation which states that no foreigner may take a job if a similarly-qualified Moroccan exists ANYWHERE in Morocco who could do it. Therefore an unqualified person will not find work legally in Morocco in a field where there are qualified Moroccans. Do you understand now?

In addition, an unqualified person won't legally get a job that an unqualified Moroccan can do.

Hi, if u re still looking for a job in morocco pls let me know and send me your Cv to ********
We speak English even my kids, so the language is not a problem.
But we r looking for a trustful, hardworking ........ Person

Moderated by Gavind 9 years ago
Reason : avoid promoting for any type of company. It's against the forum's rules.

Hello Lasmae

For any job proposals your may have, please refer to our Jobs offers in Rabat section of the site please.

Thank you

Kenjee Team

Hi,i just want know if someone open a bank account in bmce without identity card
My filipina gf need oppen a bank acount here in rabat

@Lasmae where place plz i have friend filipina in marrakech looking for job