Looking for to meeting new people to hang out with!!!!


My name is Amaya and I come from Madrid. I am 37 and have just arrived in Cologne last week.

I speak english very well (already lived in London), but my german is still awful.

I would love to meet some new people. We could go for a walk, visit some museums or just have a cup of coffee.

See you!!


como estas? Bienvenida en Alemania!

Soy Verena, alemana, pero regresaba solamente 2 meses antes. Entonces soy nueva aqui tambien ;).
Quieres encontrarme para un cafe o un cocktail?

We can also speak English if my Spanish is too weak. Or try in German and Spanish?

Would be glad to hear from you.


Hi Amaya
I'm moving to Dusseldorf this weekend so not too far away. I'm from Brisbane, Australia, 31 years old.  Been living as an expat for about 12 years now.  My German is non existent so will just have to converse in English until I sort out some language lessons.  My brother lives in Cologne which brings me there quite often.  I'd be happy to meet up if you're free :-)

Hi Verena > you should please write in English in this English speaking forum or use Spanish here. ;) Thank you very much.

[sorry for the off topic]


Hi Amaya,

I love London! Visiting museums & having a cup of coffee sounds good. Und wir können auch Deutsch sprechen :) Mail me at davidmuehlfeld@gmail.com




I am also interested in meeting new people.
I am also from Spain and living here for two years.
I would sugest to visit this museum:
"Documentation center for the National Socialism"
It was a Gestapo office in Cologne and everybody talks quite well about it.
Send me a message If someone wants to visit it together


want to have friends in all over world

[Moderated: Off topic.]

:) Hello I am an American that just moved here to Cologne.

Greeting to everyone in this Forum, can some one help me out , l will be moving to cologne in a month time. l have no where to stay . before l search for a Job, i just Need a room to rent from some one, in cologne. presently l lives in Freiburg.

nationality - spanish.

Hi everyone!

I'm an Estonian living in Cologne. Would be fun to meet for a coffee!

[Moderated: no free ad pls]

We would love to hear from you!



Hi. I am an American living in Koln.  My german is really bad. Really a lonely place for me

hii am chandru.. am from india.. i came to germany b4 3 weeks only.. i would like to meet new people... i dont know german..

hii.. am living in neuss .... i came to germany for a job search.... i dont have any frndz here.... if u r free lets hang out.. am 26.. am an indian...