Seeking at agent to help me obtain a certificat d'immatriculation

I am seeking an experienced and licensed agent to help me obtain a certificat d'immatriculation for my American car, a 2002 Ford Thunderbird. It's already here. I have all the documentation from the French Consulate in NYC to attest to it being part of my household goods ... so no duane or dazio. I understand the system here but speak almost no French. Need an agency preferably on or near the Cote d'Azur who can communicate with me in English or Italian (second choice). Thank you. Write me at


Perhaps you already know somebody...

It will not be easy to import/register your car into France.

I can guide you through, but be prepared for a lot of admin and waiting and expense.

Let me know if you wish to go ahead.


Hi Koarle!

I am in the same situation, I am from Ireland and have driven my car to France. I will start working in September so will need to register my car and change my number plate(I am assuming).

At the moment I am insured in France provisionally -until the end of September. If you know the steps to take in this situation, I would really appreciate your help! :)

Good morning

In order to help, where do you live?
PM me with your email address.
