Fellow American Business People Reunions?

Is this something that is already organized? Who do I talk to about joining? Does any  one know anything about something similar?

I'd like to get and stay in touch with my fellow Americans.

Hola chicos, me voy unos días a Ghana.Alguien me puede decir dónde alojarme?.


Hi damadecaoba,

Could you please write in English in this English speaking forum?

Or please post in the hispanophone Nicaragua forum.

Thank you,

Hi Susie,
Yes, I would like to do the same as you. Be in touch with fellow Americans.

I look forward to chatting with you on the forum.

I look forward to talking with you too, but have been unsuccessful in finding the group I'm looking for...

as far as an organized activity of some sort maybe Amcham?



Or at least that's what I thought until I saw their sites. I didn't see any actual events coming up.

Hi Everyone! I am a business owner in León and would love to get together with other business folks also. Amcham is a good choice but I would prefer something on a more informal level. Any one interested in starting a group let me know....I have experience organizing groups and would love to help put something together with those interested

You might want to discuss this with Melissa at melissa@nicacondos.com. Here in Granada she started a Who's Who monthly gathering for anyone wanting to meet others having businesses, NGOs or other endeavors. They have become quite popular. Also, Leon has the nice website blog at http://livinginleon.wordpress.com/ listed on this website which could provide visibility. I don't think you would want to limit it to North Americans for diversity.

We just get together, introduce ourselves and our projects then one person is invited to speak at length about their project or business that month. I have learned a lot about other people's projects at these.

