New Zealand citizens living in Accra...

Are there any New Zealanders living in Accra?

Hi talagig and welcome to!

Your thread has been moved to Accra forum for better visibility.;)


I'm sure there must be - there are usually New Zealanders everywhere!
Hope you can meet up with a fellow Kiwi!

One of my colleagues is from NZ....i ll ask her if she wants to get in touch :)

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hope you find one man!

Im from new zealand and want to move to ghana. Can anyone help as to how i can do this

Look for a job with an organisation that employs people in Ghana and then you can get a work permit and come here. You can also get a visitor's visa and come for 3 months.

Do you know of any, Ive been there twice first time 2 weeks then the second time 3 months.
Thanks for your reply

If you look on the web for jobs in Ghana you may be able to find something that suits your qualifications