Apartment Swap Paris / Toronto (june / dec. 2007)


Etudiants en doctorat à Paris, nous sommes un jeune couple (27 et 30 ans) devant se rendre à Toronto de juin à décembre prochains.

Nous recherchons donc à cette occasion des personnes intéressées par un échange d'appartement pour cette période (approximativement).

Notre appartement, un 2 pièces de 32 m2, se situe dans le 5ème arrdt (en plein coeur du quartier latin).

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez me contacter à l'adresse suivante : mereva179@yahoo.fr

A  bientôt !

Céline (et Eric)


Hello !

We are two young people (27 and 30), who live in Paris, in the 5th arrondissement, in the center of the "Quartier Latin".

We are both teachers at the University and we're gonna live in Toronto for 7 months, between June and December 2007.

We are looking for people who would be interested in an apartment swap, for this period.

You can contact me at this adress : mereva179@yahoo.fr

A bientôt !

Best regards,


There is an on-line service here: http://sabbaticalhomes.com/Home_Exchange.aspx that is geared to academics looking for housing.  They even have a section labelled home exchanges.  You can post for free, and read it.  I've used it, it's an excellent service.

Thanks a lot !!
I'll try !

Hey guys!

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Another a couple of resources to check out if looking for rental accommodation in Toronto or Canada is Toronto Apartment Finder or Canada Rent Seed

Hey you can look for the directory listings of apartment in iRentCanada.ca. Example is if you search for irentcanada.ca/html/toronto_rentals.php

Just for information: we also do have an Accomodation section in Toronto's classifieds