Friendship club in Cayo

I've briefly mentioned it on another thread, but with someone elses help from the San Ignacio area, I would really like to get something like they have in Corozal Town going here. A friendship group where they have a 'happy hour' every Friday where you take a pot luck and whatever you want to drink to someone's home, then once a month, they have a big get together at a local restaurant for everyone to meet. Both events are open to all and it is a great way to make new friends.

I can't do this on my own. I am actually quite new to Cayo, but I think its something the area lacks, yet needs. The beauty of the way they have it set up in Corozal is you go to the get togethers, if you like who you meet, you chat, if you don't, you simply stick with those you do like. No complications, just a get together ("Happy hour") every Friday. I can promote it, I am actually good at that part.

Anyone else willing to give this a try? Please email me or reply here.

In the background, they have someone who puts out the word each month of who's homes the "happy hour" is going to be at, but they also add a very successful for sale and wants to the email. People locally who are looking for something or selling something or moving back and have a cheap home/goods for sale. I would be more than happy to take care of this post.

Hi Dino & Gary! I'd be interested in getting something like this going as well. I have some ideas too. I live in San Ignacio also. I'll email you to see if we can get the ball rolling.  Sharon Hiebing

We won't be there 'til 2013, but save us a spot!!!  :)

Oh cool, we've got interest going already. I've just emailed Sharon to meet up for a coffee to chat about it. Will save you a spot BelizeBound. :)

Hey BelizeBound2014 - looks like you need to change your forum name then, lol!!  We\'ll definitely save you a spot.  Hopefully you got my reply back, Gary!

I did Sharon. See you tomorrow at 1pm in Ko-Ox-Han-Nah.

Sharon, I  At the onset, we didn't think we could get out of here before then.  Now, we're speaking of it in "months"...YAY!!! 

It\'s official - we\'ll be meeting every Friday at 2:00 p.m. - location will vary in order to keep it interesting, as well as to support local businesses.

First meeting is this Friday, 9/23, at Flayva\'s on Burns Avenue in San Ignacio Town.

Locals and Expats alike welcome!  Also we\'ll be starting an email list so that when people are having yard of moving sales, members of the group can be notified.

Hope to see some folks there!  Sharon & Gary