Happy Mother's Day 2024

Just a note to wish all the expat mothers and mothers of expats a Happy Mother's Day.

This day is an excellent day to recognize the person who has made one´s life possible....

Parabéns para você!

Thanks Pablo888! This brings me to wonder what Mother's Day in your neck of the woods is like. I'm in the interior of Paraiba and here.....

Folks here are setting up for Mother's Day here and I confess it is nothing like back home in Wisconsin. This Brazilian family of mine loves parties to the extreme. There are balloons, cakes, finger-foods, gifts and three generations of mothers and their adoring children.

I just did breakfast duty while others are "busy" preparing decorations. [My] luck, the band that was to play on the front porch  1f3bc.svg1f3b9.svg1f3ba.svg1f941.svg1f3bb.svg couldn't come. Still, there will be music, food and drink.
