To anyone work as HR in SG

Hi, I am Indonesian

so I have LTVP for 1 year and also got PLOC from MoM which allow me to work in SG without employer sponsor. And recently just renewed.

been applying job since January but seems like so hard to get one.

I want to know whats the reason. Is it because I am a foreigner? My background is not that bad either. I worked as purchasing so I applied to purchasing job in SG but still hard.

I applied as admin also hard.

It makes me want to give up in finding one.

Maybe anyone who works in HR can give me an explanation why I am not shortlisted?

so I can improve myself in the future.


It is of course impossible to tell, from the distance and without knowing the full details of your case (incl. how well-written your job applications are), why you are not selected.

But you should keep in mind that, even with PLOC, hiring you is an additional effort and risk for the employer. So you must convince the hiring manager that you are not only equal to, but better than all the local applicants he has.

Also, PLOC is not very known in HR circles. You probably must educate them about what the conditions and limitations are - and accept that many would not accept you on such an unusual permit.

Another aspect is salary: Because on a PLOC, your spouse is obviously the main bread-winner - so you cannot expect (at least in the eyes of many employers) the same pay as somebody else for the same job - and you might also have less chances for career advancement. Are your expectations sufficiently low for these? If not, then getting your own EP/S-Pass would be a beter option!