Canadian marriage and divorce and registration in Brazil

The situation:

Canadian man and a Brazilian woman were married and divorced in Canada years ago. Full separation of assets, spousal payments ended, etc.  Adult kids from the marriage. Everyone lives in Canada. Kids do have Brazilian passports.

If the Canadian marriage was registered in Brazil, is this a legal impediment to the Canadian man re-marrying in Canada? Canadian man has no intention of ever living in Brazil or owning property there.

in my opinion no problem at all…

If he has all the divorce documentation in Canada, I think that this is enough for Canada.  Even if he decides to move to Brazil after, the kids can help with that since they are Brazilian citizens.

@beeblebrox listen, unless you went to a registry office in Canada then your record there is free n clear.  My buddy registered his marriage there n well he's  screwed n that's a diff story. I didn't  and my Brazilian  wife wanted me to do the i asked in the registry n they do not recognize your Brazilian  marriage unless you formally register it. So I said to the clerk, I can marry a hot 22 yr old n the answer was yes...wife didn't  appreciate the humor in it. Just go to the nearest registry n look up your name will say you're  single.

@Pablo888 I also agree, but NEVER SAY NEVER. Take care of potential obstacles now, do not let them come back and bite you later.

Signed, BITE MARKS1f575.svg

05/04/24 @beeblebrox.  If either of you ever plans to remarry in Brazil, that person will probably need to register the divorce at the same Brazilian Consulate that registered the first marriage, and then register the consular Certidão at the cartório in Brazil where the original marriage was registered. 

Since remarriage in Brazil doesn't seem to be in your plans, it's hard to see how not registering the Canadian divorce there could cause you any problems.