Seeking Advice: Training Muay Thai in Phuket, Thailand

Hey Everyone,

I hope you're all doing well! I'm reaching out to tap into the collective wisdom of this community as I'm considering a new adventure: training Muay Thai in Phuket, Thailand.

I've been living in the UK for some time now, and I've always been fascinated by martial arts, particularly Muay Thai. After much contemplation, I've decided that now is the time to pursue this passion and immerse myself in the culture and training techniques of Muay Thai.

I've heard that Phuket is a hub for Muay Thai training, with numerous gyms and experienced trainers. However, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available and could really use some guidance.

If anyone here has experience training Muay Thai in Phuket or has friends who have done so, I would greatly appreciate any advice or recommendations you can offer. Here are a few specific questions I have:

Can anyone recommend reputable Muay Thai gyms in Phuket that offer quality training for beginners?

What are the average prices for Muay Thai training sessions or gym memberships in Phuket?

Are there any particular areas in Phuket that are known for their Muay Thai training facilities?

Any tips or advice for someone planning to travel to Phuket for Muay Thai training?

I'm eager to hear about your experiences and insights. Feel free to share any recommendations, anecdotes, or cautionary tales – I'm all ears!

Thanks in advance for your help and support.

Best regards,