Accommodation in Aracaju

Hi, we want to rent an apartment in Aracaju for a few months..does anyone have contacts ?


04/03/24    Hi, we want to rent an apartment in Aracaju for a few months..does anyone have contacts ?


No contacts, sorry.  When we go to AJU -- and when we go anywhere -- we stay at an  AirB&B apartment.  A quick look on the site shows a nice selection of apartments at or near the beaches with monthly rates between ~US$400 and ~US1,000+, a little cheaper for apartments between the beaches and Centro.


Thanks abthree

Yes there's a lot on there,  would you advise best  near the beach ,say, atalaiya or more central.. ? Like to be able to walk to restaurants etc

04/03/24    @abthree
Thanks abthree

Yes there's a lot on there,  would you advise best  near the beach ,say, atalaiya or more central.. ? Like to be able to walk to restaurants etc     


Then the beach is definitely your best bet.  There's a wide variety of good restaurants as you walk along the Passarela do Caranguejo beside the beach.   Sounds like you'll have plenty of time to go into the central parts of the city on short excursions.  The Museu do Povo Sergipano and the crafts stalls in the old Mercado Municipal are worth a visit.