Portuguese Writing Tutor

Hello Everyone,

I am looking to find a Portuguese writing tutor for my son. He is currently attending the Pensi school in Rio de Janeiro(7th grade). My preference would be for an online tutor.



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    Hello Everyone,
I am looking to find a Portuguese writing tutor for my son. He is currently attending the Pensi school in Rio de Janeiro(7th grade). My preference would be for an online tutor.


He needs to read.. A lot.  That's how he will get his penmanship.   Not getting fleeced by some "Writing tutor".

He needs to have fun and engaging  titles from  good writers. Preferably in paper books.  Not online.   So go hit the used book stores ( Sebos ) to collect a few books.  if you are in Rio, good chances you will find them in Historic Downtown by Praca Maua.   Or find them anywhere you can.

Seventh Grade means he is pre teen....

Here are my recommendations.  Which by the way you can read yourself as well..

Monteiro Lobato.  All his Children series. And no, they are not your typical silly  Children Books.   They weave contemporary  trends of his heydays   and good story telling. 


All under Children Books are fair game.  He takes a bunch of kids through historical narrative. Every title has a specific theme. It can be Mathematic, Brazilian Grammar,, Greek Mythology, Oil Prospecting .  To get a feeling for the narrative over the Series, it is better starting from "Reinacoes de Narizinho" and take from there.


Francisco Marins


"Os Segredos de Taquara-Póca" and  "O  Bugre do Chapeu de Anta"   are great  starters. Both titles are Tom Saweyrish type of adventures, weaving tell tales with real history

Pretty much all his  titles under Infanto-Juvenil are fun to read. 


José Mauro de Vasconcelos

https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9 … asconcelos

"Coração de Vidro"  and "Rosinha, Minha Canoa" are  fine starters. All others are also masterpieces


Jorge Amado is a bit more risque, depending upon the title.  Lascivious at times, But not pornografic.

And he was a closet Commie, just so you know.



Get a few titles for yourself and then pass them down to your kid.

I would recommend...

"Gabriela, Cravo e Canela"

"Tieta do Agreste"

Both of the above titles made to TV trough a Series. 

Cabra das Rocas is about an orphan kid growing up, and becoming an adult on his own, trying to gain admission in a school frequented by the privileged one. And the local drugstore owner unselfishingly  helping him through his studies.

Written by Homero Homem.

Not Lewd or permissive at all.



On the satyrical side, but read yourself first, I would recommend Sergio Porto, A.K.A. Stanislaw Ponte Preta


"Tia Zulmira e Eu " and " Primo Altamirando e Elas " are  fun titles. A bit saucy, but great short stories.

He is satyrical. Snap shots of his contemporary  Cariocas .

Guimarães Rosa 's Grande Sertão: Veredas" is about the stark realisty of Northeasterners who worked as sharecropers on barren fields.   it's a classic  of Brazilian Fiction.  It might be a little hard on the kid. 

Start with these.