Sponsor for mtep program via mdec


i am getting ready to apply for the mtep program and mdec require that i have a sponsor in malaysia , bascally a citizen of malaysia who has an id and who will fill a form.

i am really not sure how can i get that. anyone can advise please?

much appreciated


I submitted my application last week. I had trouble with finding a local sponsor too. We decided to visit Malaysia in Jan, 2024 for a business tour. We made some friends there and one of them became our sponsor.

MTEP is a visa no migration company or agent want to touch. You need to do everything yourself and have a very solid business background with proof. 99.999% visa applicants don't apply for this visa.

I like chanllenge and I'm applying for it.


@imkyaky Thanks for the comment

how is it going so far? have they asked for complicated papers?

i am about to apply next week God Willing



Hi Mate ,

any update with your application? i may have a quetion or two if you can help please

warm regards