About choosing a settlement location, seeking advice, thank you.

Hello everyone, like everyone else, as a foreigner, my family currently resides in Quito, where our children attend elementary school. I sustain our livelihood through operating an online store, which is not restricted by location. I feel that Quito is a bit cold, and I want to move to a warmer place to live. I have researched some places, but I haven't actually been to them. Now I would like to report the results of my research to everyone and ask for your advice. The following list is not in any particular order of preference.

1.Macas (east of Cuenca): Warm climate, abundant rainfall, likely to have some mosquitoes.

2.Guayllabamba (northeast of Quito): This is a town, infrastructure might be somewhat underdeveloped, which may not be conducive to children's education.

3.Some towns in the northern part of Quito, mainly interested in Ibarra because it has the lowest elevation, which means the temperature might be higher. However, I'm not sure about its climate. If its climate is unpredictable, it wouldn't be perfect. Actually, the climate in Quito is quite good, with distinct rainy and dry seasons, and rain is usually predictable.

Please give me your opinions. Personally, I am currently leaning towards Ibarra. Once again, thank you all, thank you to the moderator, and thank you to the website platform!


Hello and welcome on board !

Till members guide you, feel free to read the articles of the Living in Ecuador guide for expats and the existing threads of the Ecuador forum.

I am sure members will soon provide their insights on your queries.

All the best
