Applying KITAS myself for first time

Hi. I have been in Indonesia for 5 years already. I have a company and always proceed my KITAS with an agent. This time I'm looking to do the extension of my KITAS myself. Is it possible to do an extension through the inmigration official website or I must go to the office? Thank you

Hi, in my experience you always have to go to immigration office. Frustratingly, in a sense, applying for a kitas extension (or MERP or Affidavit etc) is exactly the same as applying for new one..still need to provide ALL the documents again, fill in the forms again, make the sponsor letter again using the template . It's just a headache - they can give you a Google drive link with most of the document list and templates, and the process it takes. But it's probably 5 to 10 times cheaper than using an agent!


Hi Hello.

My KITAS is being processed by a contact of mine in in Tangerang Jakarta at a very nominal fees. Well, you can do yourself if you are familiar with local language.

In case you want the assistance of my contact , you may advise me.

Thanks & Regards


Did you guys manage to apply for investor KITAS without an agency and without marrying a local?