Leptospirosis in Mauritius: Understanding the threat and how to stay safe

Expat news
  • shutterstock.com
Published on 2024-05-09 at 09:22
Since the start of the year, Mauritius has been grappling with an alarming rise in leptospirosis cases, with twenty reported instances, including five in April alone. This spike in cases is closely linked to the rainy season, which creates ideal conditions for the spread of this disease.

Rising concerns with the rainy season

Heavy rains and flooding provide perfect breeding grounds for rodents, the main carriers of the bacteria that causes leptospirosis. These conditions also lead to the contamination of standing water, significantly increasing the risk of spreading the infection as humans come into contact with these waters.

Recognizing the symptoms

The symptoms of leptospirosis are deceptive and varied, making early diagnosis challenging. Infected individuals may experience severe fever, chills, persistent headaches, and widespread muscle and joint pains—symptoms that are easily mistaken for the flu or other common viral infections. In severe cases, the disease can lead to kidney, liver, or lung complications, which can be life-threatening without prompt treatment.

How to protect yourself

  • Adhere strictly to personal hygiene practices.
  • Use personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, and boots when engaging in activities that might expose you to potentially contaminated areas.
  • Thoroughly wash all food, including fruits and vegetables, before consumption.
  • Stay vigilant about any water sources that might be contaminated.