Filipinos living in Ivory Coast

I am a Filipino woman. I started working here since 3 months ago but still I was not able to speak French. I am searching for a Filipino who lives here in Ivory Coast or someone who can teach me how to speak French. Thank You.


I also know a Philipino lady, I can connect you with her, but I don't know if she speaks French. She's here in Abidjan.

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Where is she living sir ?

Hiii !! We will be there by October ! Lets keep in touch :-)
Saan ka sa Abidjan?

Hello, how are you kabayan

I am looking for someone interested in the African market to join my business as a Co founder. I ve secured a place for an incubator programme at HEC Paris (Challenge plus Afrique) so we need to travel in Ivory coast for 6 months. My startup project deals with mental health in Africa. If intresting to know more about me and the project, drop me a message.

What is the nature of the project?

Hi, I'fd like to teach you French... I plan to come very often in CI, and why not if you are interested!

angelic0805 wrote:

I am a Filipino woman. I started working here since 3 months ago but still I was not able to speak French. I am searching for a Filipino who lives here in Ivory Coast or someone who can teach me how to speak French. Thank You.

Hi, it would be my pleasure to teach you how to speak French!