Credit Card Fraud, Bank is not registering complete amount as a Fraud

I have a Master Credit Card with a very reputed bank, which i was using last 5 years, My Monthly limit was 45000 SAR, two days back i used credit card by online purchasing in Macdonald, Its a link i found in page, app have an issue in my mobile that was not going to opened. I shopped and put OTP after screen vanished so i thought network issued i refreshed screen again than i got new OTP message i input OTP, then i found messages that a huge amount of a transaction with a currency of RUB and Merchandiser is TEHNOPARK, ELDORADO MOBILE and LAMODA. i immediately informed to customer care to block my card. the guy he told me that he made fraud complain and sent to SAMA dept, until he said once the transaction will come in statement then inform us, so bank can create temporary refund in my account, In this regard they made three request, the first one is 1104 sr which is they approve and money came in my statement,
the second request which will come today which is almost 4600 SAR they rejected and they said its not fraud, I ask to them my Max limit is 45000 SAR and the hacker did 53000 SAR how come system will allow but they said the system  given some percentage to increase without permission,
I also asked that how come in 1 OTP made 5 transaction.
Now i am afraid that rest of amount which is almost 47000 SAR request will decline than how can i pay this much amount also i am afraid that in December 2021 my company contact is going to finish and i have a loan which is left 60,000 SAR.
Please give suggestion what i will do?, I have a proof in shape of message in my mobile.

Why did you put password two times for one transaction. You should have waited at least 24 hours to repeat the transaction. Also when screen does not take you back to merchant web site and you received the message that payment was done, you should have contacted the merchant. If you have not contacted yet, contact the merchant if you haven't received your product. Bank is responsible to waive only fraudulent transaction not if you intentionally made any payment.

Dear Brother,

I entered two time because i am using mobile, I thought some network issue happened, I was ordering Macdonald Burger, How can i wait for next if i was hungry that time.
Second thing is I immediately informed the Bank, Hacker he tried 6 times to used my card, In last  1 million RUB (Russian Currency) but due to insufficient balance its rejected,  when this happened I call call center to inform them and when i asked about web order number, they said no web order has generated.

As i said No any merchant is there, I used the web link, Later on i saw in the comments that this site is fake.


If any fraudulent transaction is done or any transaction by mistake is done. First thing you should block the card. Banks take 24 hours to clear the fund from your account in case of Credit Card. As such any transaction made within 24 hours will not realised in merchant`s account since your card become inactive.


Be very careful while using credit card.


To be honest I'm really surprised credit cards are in Saudi Arabia. However, the law is clear which I will explain in brief. If you don't agree with your bank regarding the fraudulent transactions it is down to you to gather evidence to prove you could not have made the transactions. Otherwise you are liable for the money outstanding. Therefore, stop the credit card- agree with the bank a payment plan- or if you disagree with the bank they have to give your a certain period of time which is a cooling off period to gather evidence before they take action.

Any money you have associated with the account i.e. you salary move to a different bank otherwise they can take money to pay the credit card. Yet my advice is be clear with the bank and talk directly with them

Thanks All, I already blocked my credit card immediately, Bank send me an email particular in two transactions that while you input OTP than its secured, Now I already reported in SAMA because bank already refused me. Temporary they refund only for two transaction out of five which is very less amount. Any how thanks guys how could Bank will deduct a amount automatically without information of Client.

Guys I have a prove in form of Mobile messages which i received in my Mobile, The all transaction does not have web order no. All the messages average time difference is 2/4/6 seconds, Important thing is one OTP its generated five transaction, All currency is same which is Russian RUB, and i am sure all the transactions receiver IP is same.
That is the reason i am confident about it.

Can I have your contact number ?%

Please send me email on ***

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on 14 th Nov-2023 happened with me too.... I never used any link or any online shopping, I just received the sms on my mobile that about 2200 SR used at Meta Store London, no OTP received, in 10 min time i informed to bank and report the fraudulent transaction. till now nothing happend and my new card received with new no. but bank posted and clear this transection. many calls but till now no money back

The way it works is:

1) If you put OTP for one transaction and 3-4 were done, the bank, in 99% of the cases, will NOT give you the money back.  Some people have had success going through SAMA but most didn't

2) If you didn't put OTP, then the bank will reverse the charges temporarily pending investigation and issue you a new card.  The transaction will show initially as posted and then cleared.  Once it clears, you HAVE to raise a dispute for the bank to initiate a reversal.   It will NOT be done automatically just because you called them and reported it.  You have to raise a dispute AFTER the transaction has been posted / cleared.   The reason is that the bank cannot initiate the dispute until the transaction has cleared - this is the standard process

There is a security gap with bank cards in Saudi.  The OTP is not mandatory for these cards worldwide (card issuer has to specify this).   As a consequence of this, I have stopped using my Saudi cards online altogether and only use them from physical transactions.  I use my Bahrain cards online as OTP for those is mandatory worldwide (specified as such by the issuer).