Expatriation to Russia: border updates

Hello everyone,

in Russia as elsewhere, the current pandemic has changed our way of life but also our mobility, due to the state of borders of nearby countries or countries we wanted to visit.

Today we would like to take stock of the current border situation in Russia and collect your testimonies, whether you are already an expat there or still preparing your move.

Is the country currently accessible to newcomers?

Have quarantine measures been put in place? If so, what are they?

What about leaving the territory as an expat resident? Will you be able to easily reach Russia if you leave it temporarily?

How does the current borders state impact you, whether you are already an expatriate in Russia or are planning to move there soon?

Do you have some visibility about the future of borders in your country of expatriation, in the longer or shorter term?

Thank you in advance for your contribution :)

Expat.com team

I am curious about this too.