As a Native English Speaker I've a few Questions about Iceland...

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this!

I'm from Ireland I'm presently at a crossroads in life and looking to settle down permanently but in a handful of countries - Iceland being one.

Now, I've done a bit of research and I don't speak the native language, how difficult would it be for a native English speaker like me to find work and if so, what work would or could I end up in?

I'll also add that should the country feel right, I've no issues studying to learn the language.

From all my research and depending on your profession, it should not be difficult finding a job as an English only speaker. Of course, it is always advised to put in an effort to learn the language via courses at the University or online when you arrive, but it is not a barrier for finding work.

I am currently working with a recruiting firm in Iceland and they have stated the same (at least for my profession in Information Technology)

it's been a while since I lived there but I still work for an Icelandic IT firm that works primarily in English. Most companies with any international ambition or scale work in English because it's easier for internal communication. Plus, the IT branch is quite English heavy anyway. My company employs people in Portugal, Sweden, and Norway, so English is the only common language.