Bringing a dog to Accra, from the U.K.

hi all,does anyone know what the procedure is,for bringing my pet dog to Ghana?

Eve2011 wrote:

hi all,does anyone know what the procedure is,for bringing my pet dog to Ghana?

We have just done this with our 2 golden retrievers and used Airpets who take care of all the uk side of things ie Defra export certificate and fit to travel cerfiticate.  web site

You need to get a import permit from the Ghana Chief.  You will also need to get blood tests done and rabies injections. Also all vaccinations need to be up to date. 

We had them fly out on the same flight as us and collected them from customs on our arrival, our vet arranged for the clearing of pets, however this still took a wee while to get them released.

I am pleased to say that our dogs don't seem to have been to upset by the journey, i was particularly worried about one who can be a bit nervous but she was fine. 

Hope this helps, if you have any questions please let me know. 


Sheena, that is fab news, says the dog chewing his bone right now....I will look into all that asap.thank you

Where is the best vet in Accra, please help I need it for my DEFFRA form

We used Dr Tetty, The Vets Place, email address is for queries, I found them very helpful.

Also if you can get customs to preclear your dog and get a figure for "custom taxes", which were significantly more than we were expecting and took a bit of time for our contact to finalise on our arrival. 

Hope all goes smoothly for you.



Is it true thaat you are allowed to bring in your pets but you're not allowed to take any pets out of Ghana?  This is what a friend told me.

Don't know where they got that from, totally untrue.

I know someone who has recently left Ghana and have taken their dog back to the UK.  The dog has to spend 6 months in quarantine, but other countries have different regulations, you may just need blood tests etc.  It's just very expensive!

I just brought my dog frm Belgium.
I needed his europeen paspoort and his vaccinations.
Arrived at the airport i hade to pay a fee of 200 cedis to the vet.
Much cheeper and less complicated.
The other ones i will bring the same way.

Hi there, we have arrived, and all is well

Welcome to Ghana

Eve hope you are settling into your new life and all went well with your trip over.

Crycha you got of lightly we had to pay substantially more, maybe it was because we brought a bitch and dog over, think it depends on who you deal with.

But they're here and enjoying there new surroundings,still adjusting to the heat (especially the dog).

Any hope you enjoy your stay in Ghana and who know may meet up with you at some of the expat events.


Hi Sheena,

Nice to meet you, im Patrick.
Sheena, pls u sayed a bitch and a dog! But what do i have to understand by that??? A dog ,, ok ,,, but what do u mean with a bitch????
Im here in Ghana since nov. 2007.
Offcourse i go to visit my children and parents 2 to 3 times a year.
Can u tell me something about the expatevents pls.
Kind rgds ,

Hi Pat

I was only referring to my female dog, I brought a male (dog) and a female (bitch) over together. Nothing degrogatory in anyway, just plain old terminology used in the uk.

There are a few websites that organise nights out for expats of all nationalities, and, both which have useful information.



HI Sheena,

Thks fr the websites.
And now i know how in England they call a female dog:)
Honnestly i thought i was a kind of antilope!! So thats why my question.
Good night,

Hi Everyone-

We are on our way to Accra and would like to bring our dogs from the USA. However, to get the import permit we need to perform about US $1,400 worth of blood tests.

Do you think it would be okay to arrive and pay the penalty fee? It would be less than the tests.... My only concern is that they do have the option of.... gulp...destroying the dog. Does this happen??

Any insight you have would be great.


Hahahaha, maybe Pat was wondering if you brought in your mother-in-law or even my Mother-in-law).  This is well funny.

hi dollyphin,
It s indeed expensive when u want to follow the right way and as more problems it will bring. And finally when u will arrive at the airport they will charge u becourse it will not be the correct papers or another paper is missing etc etc....
What i did is simple. I went to the vet and she give me an european pasport fr the dog and the neccesary vaccinations indicated in the dog s pasport.
Once i arrived at the airport the vet of the aiport charged me 200cedis fr penalty. I have payed him and left the airport.
Past year september i brought again 2 other dogs and did exactly the same like the first time and payed 400cedis to him, and i tipped him an extra 100cedis. So simple and no extra procedures.
And no they will not keep the dogs and certainly not destroy them. Just be fine with the guy and give him something in his hand and u will have no problems at all.
So good luck with it.


Hi just a enquiry how much in total from start to finish as I've 2 bichon frise who are 7 months old and im just wanting a rough estimate. 

Thank youb
Or the requirement and rough guide on how long to complete paperwork and everything etc...

Thank you

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