Looking for Badminton players in Danang

Hi, Calvin here from Malaysia.

Currently looking for more badminton players around Danang. Preferably if you already have a consistent team formed and is playing during the weekdays with a court. Would like to join in.

Alternatively, a bunch of us play on Saturday afternoon near Han Bridge area. Feel free to join us.

Skill level is just intermediate - nothing overly fancy or hardcore.

Also, if anyone happened to find open courts available during weekday nights - please recommend.

Thank you!

Warm regards,
Calvin Ng

We also have a team play every Mon, Wed, Fri, from 5.30.
The court next to Danang Plaza Hotel, Duy Tan street, on the military area.
Please join if any of you want to.

Hi Mr Terry,

Thank you for your quick reply.

What time do you all play till? Would love to join, need to rush back though.

Is this the court with proper mat and with 4 courts in it?

Have to pass by a restaurant and also two tennis courts?

Thank you.

Calvingen wrote:

Hi Mr Terry,

Thank you for your quick reply.

What time do you all play till? Would love to join, need to rush back though.

Is this the court with proper mat and with 4 courts in it?

Have to pass by a restaurant and also two tennis courts?

Thank you.

Hi Calvin
We play till 7.30
The court is one of the best in Danang.
You are right about the location. Last building, first floor.

Hi Calvin,

You may also drop an advert under the Sport partners in Da Nang section of the website to link up easily with other badminton players.

Thank you


Thank you Christopher - yeah will do that too.

Thank you.

Hi there,

We are 3 persons planning to visit Danang and Hoi an during 23-28 November 2022 and we would love to play badminton there if is possible? 23-24 in Hoi an and 26-28 in Danang, would you have any recommend?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Hey where can I find people to play Badminton with? I live here now and would like to plat regularly.

    Where can I find people to play Badminton with? I live here now and would like to play regularly.


I would start by waking up early in the morning and hitting the beach between 5:00 a.m. and 5:30 a.m.

On any fair weather day you are certain to find some people playing badminton on the beach.