Contacts in bussiness directories

Hi ,

its good to add the contacts in bussiness directories , but as some of the instructors in muscat here does not have an email and the email field is required .This is one of the reason also where the directory could not be updated in the above mentioned subject. Please do the needful.


Hi Deemonisha,

Thank you for pointing out this shortcoming. Your post has been moved to the Help us improve the website section of the forum.

In regards to your suggestion, we will let you know of the possible outcome.

All the very best,

deemonisha wrote:

Hi ,

its good to add the contacts in bussiness directories , but as some of the instructors in muscat here does not have an email and the email field is required .This is one of the reason also where the directory could not be updated in the above mentioned subject. Please do the needful.


Wouldn't it be suitable for those instructors to move into the digital age and get an email address? They're free after all :)

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