Find a job in Hungary


You are an expat living in Hungary? Please share your experience!

What is the best way to find a job in Hungary?

The Internet? Please tell us which are the most useful / effective websites for job seekers in Hungary.

Recruitment agencies? Have you got their contact?

Newspapers? Which ones?


Thanks in advance for your participation

The best way to find a job in hungary, is to take to the Internet. Some sites that are both in english and hungarian are,,, or Also try Craig's List Budapest. Don't forget about Work at Home jobs, too!


Do you by any chance have more Info about the "work from home" jobs?

Sure do! But it depends on what you are looking for. I noticed you are a photographer - so travel sites are always looking for photographers, or you can submit photos to Stock Photos sites. I will look up the link and send it to you. If you are a writer, there are tons of sites that will give your freelance writing gigs, or sign up at,, or a few other sites. I have this all down somewhere. I tutor and freelance write. I used to also work for a search engine, but that only works if you are American.


Dr Julia Füredi
+36 30 616 3883 … gion_id=19

or for selling stock photography:

No fees, you just pay commission on sales (and there are only a couple of photographers from Hungary)

Thanks @all

I do one Stock market Site so far & one online shop.
With our oh so fast Internet connection that's almost all I can manage ;)

But maybe we'll get faster here one day, it already got better since last year :)


I'm planning on staying in Budapest within a couple months. I plan on staying for only a couple weeks, but it may turn into months, years? Ha-ha. So, if anyone would be so kind to offer any advise/info for potential employment options to offset my costs. I would greatly appreciate it.

My education and professional background to help assist is:

Ph.D. in Business Aministration
Positions Held: Vice President, Marketing Manager, Sales.
Industries: Small to Medium size companies - Software/hardware, bio tech, and medical companies.
Fields: Advertising, Marketing, Sales, Trade Shows, IPOs, Start-ups, Legal, PPMs, ...

I will follow and research the links above. (,,, or Also try Craig's List Budapest)

Thank-you very much in advance.

Hi Leeward,
merry welcome aboard.

I don't know much about that field, but I wish you the Best of Luck!

Thank-you Nicole.

What about any advise on some nice accommodations?

Decent area.
Reasonable in price. Somewhere in the middle range.

I'm about two hours from Budapest.
So,not much of an idea.

But I know there are some people around here that live in Budapest :(

Maybe start a new topic on "tips for accommodation in Budapest"?

Hi With Regards To Finding a Job In Hungary, I Thought You May Like To Take A Look At My Website. I Work With People Worldwide I Quit My Healthcare Job To Work From Home.


(moderated: no free ads)

Hello all.
I shall be relocating to Hungary (Érd) at the start of March so curious as to the difficulty to finding a job when English is your only language.

I'm not aiming at any job in particular, just generally how difficult is it to find employment.

Could probably have worded the request a little better but 4.21am and a little sleepy.

Thanks in advance.

@NewWrldYankee Thanks for your information. It useful to me. 1f60a.svg

Hello pdinuka620,

Welcome to 1f601.svg

As you should have noticed, this thread is quite old.

I invite you to tell us more about you and your plans for the discussion dedicated to new members.

Here it is > New members of the Hungary forum, introduce yourselves here - 2022


Cheryl team

@Cheryl I accept your invitation, Thank You so much.

I am searching for a farming job.

    I am searching for a farming job.


Why don't you tell us a bit more about your search? 

And what is going on with life in Myanmar?