Top hiring sectors in Catalunya


let's talk about job opportunities in Catalunya.

What are the top hiring sectors?

And according to you, what are the most promising job sectors, which will keep creating jobs in Catalunya?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience,


I too would like to know this.

IT sector around Barcelona has a lot of job opportunities

Hello all, i was wondering if there are a lot of job opportunities in the advertising, graphic design, marketing and fashion sectors in Barcelona.

And if it's complicated to hire non-Europeans even though they undertook a master's degree in Madrid?

Thank you

I'm a fully qualified 2nd level / ELT teacher looking to retire to Girona / Provincia de Girona. I intend to carry on working so I am open to a variety of jobs, e.g, caretaking, driving, English language teaching......


Hello and welcome !

Please create your CV in the dedicated section of the website : Jobs in Catalunya.

