British TV show looking for Brits buying property in Beirut

Hi there,

I'm a TV Producer in London, UK, and I'm working on a new programme idea for Channel 4, about British people buying property overseas in places, which most people would see as conflict-ridden, or high risk. It could either be as an investment opportunity, or perhaps they have special ties to the place.

If anyone knows any Brits who are UK based, but thinking of buying in Beirut, I would love to hear more, so please do get in touch if you can help.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks,


Hello Mary.

Welcome to! :)

Do not hesitate to post an advert in the Looking for section (Testimonies) in the Beirut classifieds.

Thank you,

If you mean like British-British buying in Lebanon, maybe outside of Beirut, I may be


Does age of the buyer matter?

Moderated by Julien 8 years ago
Reason : contact removed - please exchange in private (btw this thread is 2+ years old)

Hi Mary just came across your article, found it interesting. Im a Brit and know Lebanon pretty  well..
Iv lived here before and also evacuated in 2006 but still kept coming back. I can see why you would want to write about this country  People always check my sanity too..

Anw if I my get to the point. Im interested in how far you have got in the making the TV show.. I would be interested in working on this project.. with you or for you..

anw I will look forward in hearing from you and see what your thought are on this subject.

Im actually in Lebanon now i have just attended a friends wedding
Kind regards

beirut106 wrote:

Hi Mary just came across your article, found it interesting. Im a Brit and know Lebanon pretty  well..
Iv lived here before and also evacuated in 2006 but still kept coming back. I can see why you would want to write about this country  People always check my sanity too..

Anw if I my get to the point. Im interested in how far you have got in the making the TV show.. I would be interested in working on this project.. with you or for you..

anw I will look forward in hearing from you and see what your thought are on this subject.

Im actually in Lebanon now i have just attended a friends wedding
Kind regards

Count me in too!

Hi Mary my aebi is yusif I am a British lebanese have lived in the uk for 18 years and my wife is English I just came to lebanon 4 months ago I have bought a house and open buinesses here and my wife and kids also came with me and they love beirut why I did that is because it's an investment for my children and family and second  property investment in the uk is not worth it because you will need at least £400000 to have a 3 bedroom house  in  a nice area in london that's if you are a cash buyer butoday if you want to take out a mortgage that's another stress as you will need to tell the bank your life history for the bank to even think to process  your application  that for the property side business is worse because you will need at least £50000 to start a small business with a 2% chance of success here in lebanon my flat in beirut cost  me $ 400000 cash and in the heart of beirut and it's a 487 square meters  which is divided  into 6 bedrooms and 2 toilet a sitting room a parlour round the flat balcony and 24 hours electricity because the building has a private generator for the building and buinesses is easier to start with different  offers their  is no credit check or history here.      Hope this helps if you need more info get intouch on ** have a lovely day

Moderated by Christine 8 years ago
Reason : For your security, please send your contact details through your private message system.