Wanna buy a full set of golf clubs in Riyadh

Hi guys, just move in Riyadh and interested in buying a full set of golf clubs (brand new or used in excellent condition are welcome).

Leave me message, tks:D

Hi @Andyli,

Welcome to Expat.com and Riyadh.

I saw golf stuff a couple of days back in 'Granada for Sports'. This sports shop is on Exit 7 on your right if you head towards Exit 6 from there.

Actually, check out sports stores anywhere in the city. I know of a few in Granada Mall ground floor.

Tks a lot! ;)

what a pity! i've been to a couple of sports stores today, e.g Go sport chain stores and the Sun & Sand sports outlet along the Olaya st. there are just few stuff for Golf items.... still seeking....

Try the:

1. the golf shop at the Intercon Hotel
2. the golf shop at both the Riyadh Golf Club and the Dirab Golf Club
Granada Mall, on the 1st floor there is a large sport shop near the middle of the mall on the Carrefore side that sells golf equipment.

a_jambo wrote:

Try the:

1. the golf shop at the Intercon Hotel
2. the golf shop at both the Riyadh Golf Club and the Dirab Golf Club
Granada Mall, on the 1st floor there is a large sport shop near the middle of the mall on the Carrefore side that sells golf equipment.

tks a lot! i've been there today, at least to know where to buy if i don't have anymore choice. appreciated!

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I have nice golf clubs for sale

I have what are you looking for please contact me .
