Re-Entry Portugal without Physic Residence card


I already have Residence card from dec 2023. And i lost it on April 2024.

I have planned to back to Indonesia by end of May for 2 Weeks and re entry the portugal on June 2024.

From April i´m in process to make the new CARD with my lawyer. but till today not yet finish.

QUestion : Can i re rentry portugal by using the Copy/print out my Residnce Card ?, i also have statement letter from police that mentioned of my lost of residence card,

Thank you

Ask that at a CLAIM (imigrant support) office near you. They may be able to help you. The ideal would be to go to AIMA / SEF, but nowadays with their problems of scheduling and attendance, I suggest you go to CLAIM first ....

CLAIM service centres:

(Select city) … tes-claim-


Thank you very much for your information.

Actually i already send all the documents to AIMA on 2nd May 2024. just waiting the result. no information till today.

Maybe if you had experience to Re-enter Portugal by using Copy/Print out of Previous Residence Cards are allowable ?


Any answer here is useless. You need to check this with the relevant authorities...